How did you come up with this idea?

The “mother of all BedBikes" was originally designed by a Berlin advertising agency and produced by a rickshaw company in Prenzlauer Berg. After a short use in the context of a of a nation-wide promotion campaign for a German hotel chain the vehicle was stored in a garage.  Looking for a used rickshaw, I contacted the hotel company through the manufacturer of the original BedBike and finally succeeded in buying it. I decided to keep the bed and use the rickshaw for sightseeing and cool pictures and videos. "Berlin Horizontal" was my first and quick inspiration. The concept with its new name was immediately implemented and went on the road in early 2013.

And in case of bad weather?

BedBike riding works up to about zero degrees Celsius and free of storm, rain or snowfall. In case of bad weather the tour will be rescheduled or cancelled - without liability for the customer and Berlin Horizontal. For short term arrangements it is recommended to be available by phone about 2 hours before the tour starts.

Can I drink and eat in bed?

Tightly closable bottles work, open drinks don't - believe me please :-)
Food only after consultation please - It is a bed ...

Can I smoke or vaporize in bed?

Yes. Smoking: Please keep an eye on the hot ashes.